Thursday, April 15, 2010

When Enduring isn't Enough

This past Sunday we began our look at the letters that God dictated to the 7 churches in what today we know as Turkey. The first letter, to the church in Ephesus, commended them for their endurance but confronted them for not living up to the love they had early in their journey. Listen to this look at the height from which they had fallen. Like them, we are to live boldly and joyfully!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The God Nobody Likes

We have just completed an extended time looking at the book of Jonah. The book focuses on a prophet who is selfish and self-centered. In his immaturity, he is more concerned about a vine that took a day to grow and a day to die than he was about a city of our 120,000 people. What a pathetic man.

Until ... until we realize that we are Jonah. This past Sunday we looked at two stories in Luke that are tightly connected, one about a blind man who was healed and one about a rich tax collector who was transformed. The funny thing is, people didn't want Jesus to help the blind man, although they were happy when he did. But even when Jesus helped the rich man, nobody liked it.

It turns out that, perhaps, there's room under Jonah's vine for more than just him...
