Monday, July 6, 2009

Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness

As Pastor Tim taught yesterday (listen), Christianity is a faith for the unrighteous, not for the righteous. Jesus proclaimed blessing on those who know their own emptiness. It is so easy for us to be self-deceived, to think that we are better than most people. And when we think that way, we are outside of Jesus' favor. We convince ourselves that we are basically good people who are led astray by forces outside ourselves, like the people who annoy us and make us angry, or the temptations that cause us to stray.

Jesus promised a righteousness that comes from outside us as a gift from Him. And it is a gift for those who realize they need it and don't have it.

So how do you see yourself? Do you think of yourself as basically good, as being "more good" than the next person? If so, Jesus said that you are outside of God's blessing. His blessing is for those who realize their own need for a righteousness that they don't possess.

Or do you think of yourself as dirty beyond self-recovery? If so, Jesus declared blessing on you, for in Him, you will be satisfied. That dissatisfaction with self is great news if it is replaced with satisfaction in Christ!

Do you hunger for righteousness, for something that you don't have? Then give thanks to God for helping you see yourself more clearly, and ask Him for the blessing He promised you with being satisfied with His righteousness!