John 1:1-18 expresses some of the greatest surprises in the Bible for me. One is that God would become a human being, a man, with flesh and blood. He got tired and hungry. He eventually died. All of this while He was fully God. And all of this so that He might rescue those who were opposed to Him. That’s surprising.
Related to that is the surprise that God allows (at least for a time) people to oppose Him. The Word (aka, the Son, Jesus Christ) shines in the darkness. The darkness doesn’t understand and cannot control the light, yet the darkness still remains. The Son came into the world He created, the world that continued to exist by His own power, and they didn’t know Him or receive Him. In fact, they eventually killed Him. And He allowed it.
God came into the world with great meekness (listen to the message from Sunday). He lets us ignore Him if we choose to. What are you doing to choose to listen to God? To choose to seek Him?