Jesus said something very different. In telling His disciples what He valued, He said that those with “pure hearts” are to be considered blessed, because these people will see God.
As Pastor Tim shared last Sunday, this quality of purity of heart includes:
- Sincerity or lack of hypocrisy. When we come to God, we should come without masks, honestly confessing who we really are -- since He obviously knows already!
- Seeking His cleansing. In coming with honesty, we are then able to receive His forgiveness of that which is offensive to Him.
- Seeking His transformation. Through His power, we are to clean up our thought lives, rooting out pride and lust and greed and all that is contrary to God’s perfect nature and ways.
We find in God the Father and in the Son, Jesus Christ, a being with a perfectly pure heart who is also judge. Yet because of the sacrifice of the Son, He will also forgive and cleanse as we confess and entrust ourselves to His Grace.
-- John