Pastor Tim challenged us Sunday with Jesus' bold claim of a different way to live than we are inclined to live. (Matthew 5:43-48 and Luke 6:27-36) "Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you." (Luke 6:27) That is challenging! Don't merely stop short of getting revenge. He actually said to do good to them.
As Pastor Tim said, we are tempted to change these words to be more agreeable to us. We want to justify our desire to judge people or to hope for their harm. But Jesus' words are clear. Seek their good!
How can we do this in practical ways? Sometimes I figure that I don't have personal "enemies" so it doesn't really apply to me. But if I'm to pray for (not against) my enemies, and try to bring good to them, shouldn't I do also the same with the people who are just annoying or mildly offensive? Say someone cuts me off or makes an unkind or rude remark. Surely I should love them and do good to them as well.
Who is it in your life right now that is most like an enemy? Maybe it is just an annoying person, or maybe it is something very serious. Whatever it is, what good can you do for that person today?
If you do it, you'll be like God, who is "kind to the ungrateful and the evil." (Luke 6:35) As His children, we should long to be like Him with His power working within us!